3 Guys in a Garage (3GG) is a digital innovation consultancy, specializing in Internet products that address the needs of consumers and businesses across multiple media platforms.
  1. We provide strategy, ideas, AND execution; whereas, most consulting firms provide only one or two components and leave you to figure out the rest.
  2. We innovate faster, cheaper, and better. Our client-partners are traditional media corporations and online digital-media businesses seeking these advantages.
  3. We have our own garage, which serves as an incubator for developing and launching digital media ventures.

    Remember when the proverbial "three guys in a garage" - a small group of Internet entrepreneurs with a big idea, passion, and modest resources - would undercut a big corporation by innovating faster, cheaper, and better? CraigsList did it in 1995, Google in 1998, YouTube in 2005. They started out as three guys in a garage and quickly grew to be household names and businesses worth billions of dollars. Meanwhile, their disruptive innovations have threatened the existence of bigger, entrenched corporations.

    3GG combines strategy, ideas, and execution with the culture of "three guys in a garage" to develop digital media products faster, cheaper, and better. We have vast innovation knowledge, corporate media and startup experience, patents from inventions, big ideas, and passion for digital and social media.

    To learn more about us, our process and services, call (770) 280-5646 or email info@3guysinagarage.com.

Copyright © 2007-2023, 3 Guys in a Garage LLC | Atlanta, GA USA | info@3guysinagarage.com